Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tag, I'm it!

So I was tagged by Cameron and here are 10 things you probably don't know about me.

1.  I don't have a middle name. After my brother born, he was given my dad's first name (Charles) as his middle name. My mom than decided that neither my sister and I were going to get a middle name since our last name was already long enough and we didn't need a middle name.

2. I don't have my driver's license,yet, so a few weeks before finals in high school I ended up getting into a car accident with my mom. Around that time I was also learning how to drive to take the road test. Well after the accident I was nervous to even get back into the car as a passenger, forget actually driving it. But I am planning on getting my license before the program starts.

3. Coffee puts me to sleep, unless my body knows I need it. If I drink coffee in the morning it will wake me up but if I drink it at night, and I have nothing to stay up for (studying, or whatever) than it makes me really sleepy.

4. I hate spiders, I freak out when there's a spider near by, I will not kill it, someone else has to do it for me.

5. I wanna tattoo a small hidden mickey to the back of my ear.

6. I love gummy candy. I always keep a stash of it in my house for when I start to crave it........well that and Reese Cups.

7. I bruise easily, I was born with a low count of white blood cells. So if I walk into a door,doorknob, chair, table,etc I will bruise, it's mostly my legs though. I still have old bruises on my legs than never fully healed.

8. Before I realized how obsessed I am and how much of a fanatic I am of anything Disney, I use to complain to my parents why are we going to Disney World, I know I know I'm crazy thinking that but now I just wanna get down there.

9. I had really bad asthma as a kid. My asthma was bad I couldn't go play outside during recess.(more into elementary school when my asthma wasn't too bad I was able to go outside) As I grew older I grew out of it, which the doctors couldn't believe (I had bronchial asthma). I don't have any big problems with it now,

10. I was born premature. I was born in September but my due date was November. Along with being born premature I was born with a hole in my heart, which caused my asthma. But don't feel sorry for me, with the operation I had (and nice looking scar) and overtime it basically healed itself.

The two people I'm going to tag are Kelly McDermot and Micheal Bryant Stanley

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