Friday, April 8, 2011

A block in the road

Yesterday I went to go with an adviser at my college to talk about the program. Well I found out that I don't meet the retirements, I already knew I would have to take one summer class since I was 2 credits off of the requirements, for my school you have to have all your developmental classes done before you can do any kind on internship.

I'm missing four classes, which all four are impossible to take in one summer. Now I have to go meet with the head of the English department to see if one of two things can happen either he will wave the 2 (other) English classes I need to take or let me take the English part of the placement test to see if I can get rid of those two classes.

I'm hoping things goes well, I guess I'm back to wishing on stars for the best it would suck to make it this far and have everything ripped out from under me.

Have a magical day and please wish on some stars for me, once again.

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